Media Essential WorkersRaza Siddiqui’s Vision: Putting Our Members First Communication & Transparency Open Door Meetings: Allowing all of our dues paying members to attend all our monthly executive board meetings to hear and comment. Increase Member Participation: public comments, in adherence with Robert’s rules to allow for participation and empower our members.Accountability: Blast other agencies that put video on air in our jurisdiction which are not covered in contract like the STNG.Setting Standards: Adopt the CWA guidelines and best practices to avoid conflicts of interests and fair election decorum. Fiscal Responsibility & Accountability Become Fiscally Efficient: Sell the Office! $361,808 (Source: 2021 Assessor Evaluation) cost of office this should be used for member servicing. Our members are our greatest asset.2020 into 2022 we have been meeting remotely due to the pandemic. We can continue our ongoing zoom meetings to meet monthly with our executive board AND members. Have regular meetings with our NABET Local 41 members in the rotating regions to build a stronger union. Invest in servicing members for all regions and garner the much needed legal services.Pay Transparency and Accountability: Review officer salaries annually: (Source: 2019 Office of Labor Management Standards)President: $137,352Vice President: $8,580 ** Raza insisted that his salary be cut during the pandemic. Last year, he was paid $4,200 from the local.Treasurer: inconclusiveSecretary: $9,752In Solidarity: Raza Siddiqui, as your NABET President, will take a 20% pay cut and direct that money towards legal and member services. stretching your hard earned dues. Fair Representation: Equal Representation: Assigned geographical representative to each area within NABET Local 41 for servicing for all our members including staff and freelancers.Face Time: Require visits for the local union officers to different states to learn the issues: from student productions jeopardizing our jobs to being lunched on a plane. We Have Your Back: Annual Membership outreach calendar and welcome packet with contact information for your stewards and leadership. An on call roster of rotating stewards available for 24 hour representation for our members in case of emergency. Education and Membership Training Building our skilled technical workforce: Providing training and support to our members to develop and excel their current skills.Our Members Matter: Orientation for health and wellness programs prior to the monthly executive board meetings (open to all members) Story of the storytellers: Celebrating our influencers and giants in our industries with our families our annual retreat, this is modeled by what we achieved by implementing Media Essential Workers group.Shaping our Next Generation: Investing in a grant writer to seek funding opportunities for scholarships, apprenticeship programs and help our kids follow in the the footsteps of their role models.